Crystal Corner
Apex of Light - Fall Equinox
Posted by brenda mcdermott on
"For the Fall of the year is more than three months bounded by an equinox and a solstice. It is a summing up without the finality of year's end." Hal Borland The Fall Equinox is at the apex of the autumn season, when growth is finished and readying for winter begins. This day of balance provides us a moment of clarity to reflect on where you’ve been and where you are going.On September 22nd all parts of the planet receive the same amount of light from the Sun. It is an excellent day to set intentions and offer prayers to...
How to Create the Unexpected and Survive the Day
Posted by brenda mcdermott on
Have you ever set out to do one thing, and then found yourself at a mental road block, only to end up doing something totally unexpected? Well I have, and here's a story about determination and perseverance: People ask me all the time how I come up with my designs. Do I draw them out first, or look at catalogs, or use a computer program for instance? I actually don’t do any of those things to come up with my creations. What I do is spend a lot of time swimming, and that activity gives me quiet time to create...
Just Follow the Energy
Posted by brenda mcdermott on
Sometimes I ask myself where am I going and why am I doing what I do? I’m sure we all have asked these questions at some time. I met with a wonderful woman recently, and as we were just chatting away this topic came up. She told me that a great mentor of hers told her to “Just follow the energy.” Wow, those were powerful words that I will not forget. So simple, right? Just follow the energy. So, not long after that a series of what I will call “opportunities” presented themselves to me--I got the chance to follow...
Is What You Desire Really What you Desire? How Expectations Get in the Way of Living the Life Your Truly Desire.
Posted by brenda mcdermott on
Do you ever have expectations? Do you ever ask yourself what you are expecting to gain by having those expectations or how will having them serve or not serve your best and highest self? Goals and expectations make us think and feel we are creating a desirable outcome and are in control of ourselves and any situation. This illusion however, can cause us great pain and suffering if the expectations are not met. It can lead to disappointments, resents, conflict in relationships and so much more. We have expectations for the things we are working to make a reality or...